Kristen's Korner
Kristin West is an award-winning actress, producer and screenwriter. Her performances have been garnering international attention, with screenings at many esteemed festivals all over the world.. West has been on the jury of prestigious film festivals, moderated and spoken on many panels. In addition to her successful film and TV career, West can be heard, along with co-host Judy Goss, on What Women Want Talk Radio.
OCT 15- OCT 21
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
Your need to achieve is strong this week, but don’t get discouraged if things don’t move at your usual breakneck pace. The results you’re looking for may take some time. You’re not used to get rewarded for your patience, but patience is the way right now. Don’t blame a partner for a lack of speed. The end of the week, be wary if something sounds too good to be true. Power color: black Affirmation: I am building something that will last.
Don’t resist progress, even if you are iffy about the means. Sometimes, strength is proven by the willingness to change and bend. You may find some people’s need for control of finances disconcerting. Seek a compromise. Put something important to you on a timeline for maximum success this week. You know slow and steady wins the race, but don’t leave too much unplanned. Power color: lime green Affirmation: I manifest my best life.
By midweek, your agile mind is firing a mile a minute. Trust your hunches. That electricity in the air you feel is real. Moreover, trust an ending. Better things are coming. Bigger dreams are materializing. Take some time to acknowledge any fears that have kept you chained to a situation you’ve outgrown. You may feel the weight of a self-imposed deadline acutely. Breathe. Power color: indigo Affirmation: I take charge and I charge forward.
Group politics may be grating at you. Don’t underestimate your natural charm. If you want to disrupt a group dynamic that’s not going your way, a little charm will get things moving in the right direction. Trying to overtly control a situation, though, doesn’t pay. Be subtle. Midweek, this power play comes to a head. Smile! Power color: pink Affirmation: I am a vital member of my group.
You like more flexibility than is afforded to you early in the week. Don’t fight the schedule you have. Shift what you can. Don’t chase windmills, especially late in the week, when it will be very enticing to do do. It might be time to revisit some dreams long put aside. How can you reshape them? The past is powerful for you right now, if you can bring the lessons of the past into present. Power color: mint green Affirmation: I integrate my past, present and future.
Trust the transformation that’s occurring, even if the timeline makes you jittery. You passion for a new idea lights up midweek. You’ll need friends to actualize this lightning flash of inspiration. However, it is your time to take the lead, so feel free to delegate. Control issues come up. Don’t indulge stubbornness. Power color: purple Affirmation: I share the excitement of my vision.
You’re making strides in a money issue and you’ve got the magic words to make something happen, but be patient with cleaning up an obstacle from the past. Charm disarms any stubbornness or upheaval. Midweek, it’s all about how your choices impact others–not just your immediate kin, but your peers and even, society as a whole. Think big. Power color: yellow Affirmation: I brighten all situations I find myself in.
Overt power plays aren’t serving you at the moment. Try to find a better balance. You’ll find it more satisfying. Stick to your principals, especially about what you’re passionate about and you’ll get past some of your apathy as of late. Don’t try to obfuscate your feelings. Tell someone how your really feel about a disappointment. A little forgiveness can fee up a great deal of your normally infectious energy. Power color: lavender Affirmation: I set myself fee.
If someone asks you what you’re secret is, you usually tell them you work so hard. However, that’s half the story. You’re also formidable when it comes to timing. Your intuition is dialed in early in the week. Take notes. Late in the week, keep your big plans big, but grounded in reality and make contingencies. Balance your priorities to reflect your new understandings. Power color: brown Affirmation: I am on time.
That passion project you have gets a big boost midweek. Allow your enthusiasm to spread and get help from others. There are many willing collaborators around you now. Those around you are hungering for depth, so dive deep and embrace conflicting viewpoints if it serves you. Power color: white Affirmation: I breathe easily.
Reveal your deep feelings and concerns to a trusted advisor or friend. That will give your the clarity to embrace the good that’s in store for your late in the week. It’s time to air out some fears that long outlasted their protective function in your life. Expect people to rely on your flexibility for awhile. Make sure it pays off. Power color: green Affirmation: I unburden myself of fears and pain so I can carry more blessings.
Disclaimer: This horoscope and all readings whether in person, phone, or recorded MP3 are for entertainment purposes only, no guarantee can be given or is given or should be assumed for or about the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. Your choices are yours to make. I am not qualified to give legal, financial, medical, psychological, psychiatric or any other specialist advice. If you require such advice you should seek a licensed professional. My services are not available to anyone under the age of 18 unless they are requested by a parent or guardian. By using my services you confirm that you are over 18 and that you understand and agree with these terms of this Disclaimer.
OCT 8- OCT 14
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
Monday and Tuesday, you’re shedding the old to make way for the new. Make sure you give your partners equal time in any debates early in the week. You may feel like information is being witheld from you. Keep your ears open, but your accusations to a minimum. The weekend brings much needed levity. Power color: snake print and pink Affirmation: If it’s not serving “we”, then it’s likely not serving “me”.
The week starts with you resisting some much needed re-balancing. You may feel the odds are stacked against you in a keeping-up-with-the-Jones’ scenario. Remember, winners make their own odds and anything and anyone can disrupt the balance of things at any time, including you, so continue to have faith in yourself. Wednesday forward, people begin trading in secrets and arcane ideas. Listen but don’t gossip. Power color: burgundy Affirmation: I make my own odds.
Early in the week, you have a flash of insight about a situation that has seemed deadlocked for too long. You know what needs to go and what needs to stay. Think “big picture” now. What can you do to expand your influence? By Tuesday, you may need to cover your tracks a bit though if taking sides may cause too much uproar. Late in the week, a little wandering puts some spring into your step. Power color: green Affirmation: I find the “up” in upheaval.
Monday and Tuesday, it’s easy to feel like you’ve found yourself on the losing side of a long battle. Reframe what’s happening. Is this loss or transformation? It’s hard for you to let go of something you feel should be yours early in the week. Redirect your attention to what you’re not seeing. Flighty people may want to drag you out of the house this weekend. Let them. Power color: purple Affirmation: The tide always turns
Leo, it’s all about concessions this week. Get into team player mode ASAP. Midweek forward, you may feel that everyone’s in on a moneymaking secret you’re not. Keep your inquiries into the matter ultra discreet. Don’t let old relationship baggage dampen your normally sunny outlook. If you find out a secret from a lover’s past, don’t broadcast it to the whole neighborhood. That won’t serve you. This weekend, take a little trip or at least a staycation. You’ve earned a break. Power color: mint green Affirmation: I am always shining.
All of the sudden, the week becomes a game of winners and losers. Who’s dragging you down? Who’s uplifting you? It’s time for a major clean up of your partnership relationships. Parity can be measured in many different ways. Find the way that makes sense for you and don’t hang on to the illusion that someone or something will change just for you. Keep gossip to a minimum midweek. The information you hear may be valuable but not broadcastable. This weekend, you’re itching to get out of the house. Have a goal. Power color: black and white Affirmation: I know my worth and I am worthy.
You’re getting a fresh start, Libra, but you have to clear up what’s not working anymore. Take a stand early in the week. Consider your allies in a high conflict situation. Gossipy people may have you thinking the whole world is one long episode of Law & Order SVU. Keep yourself about the fray. This weekend, an adventuresome mood sets in. Follow where it takes you. Power color: red Affirmation: I don’t have to solve every problem.
Focus on the positive, Scorpio. There’s so much to be grateful for, even if some old baggage has to be dealt with. All you need is love, so love yourself. That’s the lesson here. New ventures grow quickly, so pace yourself. You have the info everyone wants right now, so be careful who you give it to. Power color: pink and teal Affirmation: I am grateful and gracious.
It seems like someone you’re working with may be changing the rules on you. Adapt or get off the crazy train early in the week, Sagittarius. Midweek, it may be tempting to make a big “reveal”, especially about an ex. That saying “discretion is the better part of valor,” applies. Tread carefully, lest you get stung. By the weekend, you’re ready to go—new vistas, new people, new adventures. Make the changes you need to make. Power color: ice blue Affirmation: It’s all about my future now.
The first part of the week may feel like a contest of wills. Don’t be afraid to say bye to a partner that’s not pulling their weight or welcoming a new partner who will. Midweek, dive deeper. Try to find the lesson in the conflicts you’re having around the sex, end-of-life-issues and property. Don’t just deal the with the so-called problems. This weekend, restlessness sets in. Once again, what is the restlessness trying to teach you? Power color: gold Affirmation: The problems are lessons and I’m an excellent student.
Early in the week, you’ll be at the forefront of a major shift—whether that’s at work or at home. You have legit grievances, so air them out. Midweek, you may feel like you’re floating though the backlash. Keep your distance from poisonous people and attitudes. As the weekend approaches, you’ll be ready for a new adventure. Live it up a little this weekend. Power color: orange Affirmation: I am the changemaker.
The weekend may have had you out of sorts and going into this week, you may be feeling on an emotional roller coaster. Say what you feel, even if hurting someone is an unintended consequence. Your candor may reward you if you speak earnestly. Exes might come out like termites from the woodwork. Don’t let anyone eat up your time or energy. A flighty person may have your blood boiling come the weekend. Maintain your boundaries if you don’t want all your time and energy consumed. Power color: peach Affirmation: My vulnerability is my strength.
Disclaimer: This horoscope and all readings whether in person, phone, or recorded MP3 are for entertainment purposes only, no guarantee can be given or is given or should be assumed for or about the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. Your choices are yours to make. I am not qualified to give legal, financial, medical, psychological, psychiatric or any other specialist advice. If you require such advice you should seek a licensed professional. My services are not available to anyone under the age of 18 unless they are requested by a parent or guardian. By using my services you confirm that you are over 18 and that you understand and agree with these terms of this Disclaimer.
OCT 1- OCT 7
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
You were waiting for things to speed up and now you have to keep up. Don’t let a bad mood about a domestic situation get you down the first part of the week. Kiss whatever needs to go goodbye. There’s a lot of secrecy around money and property that you may find intimidating. The details get very pesky on Friday, especially if you’re considering a property transaction. Power color: brown Affirmation: I am present and on time and on purpose.
Make hay while the sun’s still shining, Taurus. You have a lot to accomplish before Friday, when lovely Venus, your ruler goes into retrograde. It’s time to think about your health and self-care. Are you really caring for yourself enough or are you buying into an image? Midweek, you may have to assert your authority in ways you’re not accustomed to. Step up and take your crown. Power color: purple. Affirmation: I revel in the details of caring for myself.
Gemini, you’ve got to get yourself to the end of the week. The week starts off with you unusually emo, and though you can rationalize your feelings all you want, take some time to let go and actually feel them too. Money and property are particular sticking points. Midweek, you may feel eaten up or consumed with the needs of a particularly demanding person. Manage your time. As the week winds down, you’re not quite at home with yourself, but you’re closer than when week started. Perfect a long-term plan Power color: yellow Affirmation: My ideas and my feelings matter.
If anyone could orgasm over de-cluttering, it would be you. You’re so in the mood to get the garbage out—and that’s exactly what you should be doing. Midweek, you’re powering through obstacles with a great deal of sunshine-y charm. As the week closes, look hard at your romantic relationship. The devil truly is in the details at the moment, especially the details that are being kept from you. A little investigation might go a long way. Power color: pink Affirmation: I clear out what’s obscuring my great greatness.
You may be gearing up for a showdown midweek, Leo. Don’t get ahead of yourself. There’s a great deal of hidden layers in a conflict you’ve found yourself in. Try to unpack them early in the week. There’s a lot of pressure on you to be fair right now, even though you like to play favorites. Balance giving and receiving. Don’t expect timid people to take the lead. Power color: teal Affirmation: I am a friend to all.
Virgo, this week it’s all about getting to the finish line for you. What’s it going to take to check off tasks of your many lists? You may feel dragged down by family and home issues Monday and Tuesday. There’s more to this situation than your keen perception has been able to pick up. Pay attention and don’t assume you know it all. As the week winds down, take a closer look at your love life. Is the past forecasting the future? Has someone changed? Power color: black Affirmation: I accomplish.
You’re it, Libra. There’s some pressure on you to correct some “wrongs”. Choose your battles wisely. There’s a lot of emotion about this early in the week. Sort out legit wounds from theatrics midweek. Don’t let big personalities wear you down. Friday, Venus, your ruler goes into retrograde, with the waning moon in Virgo. It’s a good time to drop what’s not helping you take care of you. Look at your routines and regimens. Where can you free up more me-time for yourself? Power color: gray Affirmation: I take care of the “me” before I take care of the “we”.
You’re navigating a lot of competing needs and desires at the moment. At the very least, make sure everyone around you feels heard, or you may pay for it later. Venus goes retrograde n your sign on Friday, under a waning Virgo moon. You may have to revisit the details of a property transaction from a divorce or break up. Jupiter remains in your sign for the meantime too, so a little time traveling or actually traveling may actually benefit you. Embrace a disruption. Power color: hunter green Affirmation: In all directions of time, I choose prosperity.
Early in the week, you may feel tethered to your home, but midweek you’re feeling hot and ready to live it up a little. Give that great idea that you’re passionate about a chance this week. Marching into the weekend, details muddy your emotional waters, especially in matters of love. Try to be dispassionate. Mud is clay and if you fire up clay, you’ve got a pot or a some other vessel. Use the mud to empower you creatively. Power color: red Affirmation: I am shaping my future from the mud of my past.
Expect a bum rush to your desk and a full inbox. Pluto is now direct in your sign and everyone wants a piece of what you’ve got. Monday and Tuesday, stay rooted. You can climb high, but remember your roots. Midweek, you would do well to assert yourself. A little adventure, a little pleasure seeking and a little more self-interest would serve you well. Friday, if you don’t know where the bones are buried, find the person who does. Venus goes into retrograde under the Virgo waning moon. Old property transactions may need extra scrutiny. Power color: burgundy Affirmation: I rule.
You’re may find yourself tiptoeing around other’s feelings early in the week. Keep your communication as neutral as possible. You’re up for fighting for what you care about and it you may have to assert some of your own moral authority midweek. A property dispute may be getting out of hand. Friday, review the details. They will come under scrutiny. Expect the unexpected when it comes to money. Power color: blue Affirmation: I speak my mind.
It might be a drag to clean up some of the clutter around your home, Pisces, but it’s a step towards healing, even if its just symbolic. You’re still sorting out what’s real and what’s fake in matters of money and love and there’s plenty of that to sort through come Friday. Don’t shortchange yourself just to escape a situation. Go over the details with a fine tooth comb. Descartes said that if you are deceived, you exist. Congratulations, you exist! Power color: magenta Affirmation: There’s no time like the present to create my future.
Disclaimer: This horoscope and all readings whether in person, phone, or recorded MP3 are for entertainment purposes only, no guarantee can be given or is given or should be assumed for or about the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. Your choices are yours to make. I am not qualified to give legal, financial, medical, psychological, psychiatric or any other specialist advice. If you require such advice you should seek a licensed professional. My services are not available to anyone under the age of 18 unless they are requested by a parent or guardian. By using my services you confirm that you are over 18 and that you understand and agree with these terms of this Disclaimer.
SEPT 16- SEPT 22
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
You may have to break something before it gets fixed. This seems counter-intuitive, but if you’re using the same mold, getting the same results and are perpetually dissatisfied, it might be time to break that mold. Midweek, you have the courage to do this. Friday, your communications with a partner improve though you still may have some secret angst that’s gone unaired. Just let them know your door and your heart is open. Power color: black Affirmation: We are all innocent. We are all divine love.
You’re craving structure Monday and Tuesday. Keep it simple, but don’t underestimate your needs. You’ll be rewarded for your discretion. Remember, don’t answer questions you’re not asked. Midweek, the future’s on your mind, especially stabilizing your long term affairs. This doesn’t have to be morbid, but you have to be realistic. Saturday, you can be playful if you allow yourself to be. Don’t be stubborn if someone offers you a chance to get your mind off some of these big issues. Power color: burgundy Affirmation: I don’t have all the answers, but I’m willing to learn something new.
Sunday you may feel spent, even though there’s a lot of energy around you and your endeavors. Deadlines may slow you down early in the week, but get ready for a wave of helpful people midweek. Everyone wants on your success train right now. Obstacles melt away when you enlist helpful friends. This weekend, try (I said try) to turn that off switch in you busy mind. Just float. You need to defrag that overactive mind of yours—especially after such a successful week. Power color: teal Affirmation: The world says yes to me.
You’re sick of the rules, Cancer, and it seems like the rules are getting in your way right now. Friday, you’re ready to voice how unfair things have been of late. There are blessings to be grateful for, so try not to get stuck on that one thing that’s not going your way. Saturday, it’s time to let your psyche unwind from the stress. Try to stay present, especially when meditating. Revising and revisiting the deep past isn’t helping. Power color: indigo Affirmation: I am grateful.
Leo, don’t let impatience with the details make you squander an opportunity. You’re uncomfortable with the direction of something important to you from Monday forward. Try not to make problems personal. Friends are friends even when they say no or not now. Friday, you may have to voice your concern to get an unwieldy partnership back into balance. Set clear boundaries and intentions. Power color: pink Affirmation: It’s in giving that I receive and I give freely therefore, I receive freely.
People may call ghost busters for ghosts, but for blocks they’re calling you the blockbuster. You overcome some major hurdles Monday and Tuesday. Just make sure you’re not band-aiding an issue if what it really needs is a complete overhaul. Long term thinking is rewarded now. Saturday, you may feel out of sorts and distracted. Are you doing so much for others that you’ve not checked in with yourself and your needs? Power color: yellow Affirmation: I empower others by empowering myself.
Overcoming great odds is in the stars for you right now. The career challenges you are experiencing are ultimately character building, even if they’re hurting your wallet right now. Midweek, you get a peak into the future of your industry and the outlook is good. Use that optimism to power your though. Friday, you have just the right words to set a healthy boundary. Ask for what you want and need. Don’t let passion cloud your judgement. Power color: electric blue Affirmation: I envision a wonderful future and live mindfully in the NOW.
Don’t get smug, Scorpio. You’ll be wanting to say “I told you so” all week long, first to someone who acts before they think, then to someone stubborn, then to someone flippant. Saturday, take some time and meander through your own psyche. Is all this conflict worth it? Is pursuing the material stuff coming at the expense of your friendships and partnerships? You deserve to give yourself an honest answer. Power color: mint green Affirmation: I experience an abundance of love.
Sunday, you do you. You’re looking at the future now, instead of ruminating about the past, though past mistakes still present growth challenges in the present. You may feel those pangs on Monday and Tuesday. Midweek til Saturday, you’re more in step with who you want to be and see what you’re going to have attain to “make it”. Now, make a plan. Power color: magenta Affirmation: Hello future me.
You’ve been making war on someone or something with a clever mix of disruption and inconvenient details for awhile now. However, the game has changed. It’s time to make some friends and offer some truces, fast. You’ll benefit from your natural discretion. Wednesday forward, people want to cooperate. Don’t shut them out. Friday, you’ll be able to communication what you feel is just and fair in a conflict you’ve found yourself in. Power color: gray Affirmation: I make the best of all circumstances.
There’s some wins in store for you this week, Aquarius and by Friday, what’s gotten out of balance and chaotic will begin to look like it’s finally heading in the right direction. Keep gathering friends. You’re not thrilled about some secrets that have been kept from you, but you’ll find the confidences kept ultimately benefited you. Power color: white Affirmation: I trust that only goodness and mercy come to me.
Gravity—it’s what you may be feeling right now, like everything has a huge consequence or weight to it. Gravity is also what keeps your body tethered to Mother Earth, so there’s a part of gravity that’s good too. Otherwise, you’d be floating around in oblivion. There’s blessings in disguise all around you right now, Pisces, even if you don’t immediately see their value. Wednesday, you start to narrow your focus on what you’d like to see in the near future instead of bemoaning some of the heavy circumstances on your shoulders. Breathe through the difficulties. Saturday, stay present and you’ll be rewarded with new insight. Power color: brown Affirmation: I am grounded and by being grounded I attract more tangible goodness into my life.
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
Sunday and Monday, start to narrow your focus. You have tons of great ideas, but only a few are really viable right now. Look before you leap. Tuesday and Wednesday, it feels like you can’t catch a break. Partnership and home issues may feel overwhelming and it feels like the clock is ticking to get it resolved. Ultimatums may come from a place of hurt. That which you must let go of now may not be gone forever. “Not now” is not the same as “no more”. You may feel the need to assert yourself late in the week. Know when to say “enough is enough”. Big releases are big lessons. Power color: black Affirmation: A void is a creative space.
Keep cleaning your house, Taurus, literally and metaphorically. There’s a lot of stuff that’s no longer serving you that you are holding onto because it’s familiar and comfortable. It’s time to get a little uncomfortable. Late in the week, pride may be an obstacle, yours or someone else’s. Focus on what’s fair. Is there an open secret you’re missing? It’s not as simple as it looks. Power color: peach Affirmation: I see what I choose to see.
You may be tempted to quit your job and start a psychic hotline on Sunday and Monday. You’re dialed into the universal intelligence and it makes you feel great. Wednesday, deep feelings come up and you may belabor the details in your communications. Saturday, it’s all about grounding your intellectual musings into reality. Refine a process, especially focusing on letting go of what’s not working. Let it go and let it flow. Power color: ocean blue Affirmation: I allow myself to dive deeper.
You breathe easier midweek. You’re more comfortable with yourself which makes handling all the opposition and restrictions you’re up against more tolerable. If someone comes off as patronizing, especially Saturday, try not to dwell on it. Instead take the time to cleanse and focus on your health and well being. What needs to go to make you more healthy and whole? Power color: yellow Affirmation: I am important enough to me to take care of me.
There’s some doors closing, Leo, and you usually like to have all your options open. You’re not used to so much open opposition. Instead of roaring at this seeming setback, welcome it. It’s the divine’s way of keeping you from going down a road that’s not meant for you. Thursday, there’s a seeming paradox. You may have to let go of something to expand somewhere else. Drop whatever is holding you back. It’s not a loss, it’s a redistribution of your valuable energy. Power color: white Affirmation: I release what’s not mine to receive what is mine.
New understandings mean that you can’t doggedly hold onto to old behaviors and expectations. On Monday and Tuesday, it’s a big discussion. Old doors and comfortable paths close off at an alarming speed. Stay calm. Accept reality as it is, with all it’s paradox and inconsistency. Saturday, you have to let something personal to you go to receive something better. The more you can release, the more you can receive. It’s not a maze if you can find your center. Power color: lavender Affirmation: I know when to push, I know when to pull and I know when to stay still.
There may be a debate about what to sideline right now, Libra. It gets emotional Tuesday and Wednesday. You don’t want to exclude anyone, but priorities need to be made and boundaries enforced. Otherwise, what good are they? You’ll feel more powerful and more in-charge when you uncharacteristically say no. It might take an authority figure aback. So be it. Make the most your opportunities in love this week. Cut and polish that gem of a relationship you’ve got. Power color: pink Affirmation: I love myself enough to say “no” when necessary.
Your inner domestic diva may want some attention Tuesday and Wednesday. Small details need your full attention. Thursday and Friday, you may have to call out a big personality who’s burned you. Speak to convey the truth, not to hurt or harm. You’ll be more impactful. Have careful discernment between what’s a secret and what’s idle gossip. It’s easy to believe faulty information at this time. Saturday, take the time to shed some baggage, especially around compromised innocence and stolen youth. It’s time to put some old issues to bed. Power color: purple Affirmation: The macrocosm and the microcosm are one. All is one.
You may feel like you’re in a think tank early in the week. Though you may not be interested in what’s being discussed, there’s information available to you that might help you make a better informed decision regarding something or someone who’s got to go. Midweek, your mood may be dampened and your usual free, unpretentious communication seems to be coming under extra scrutiny. Thursday and Friday, you’ll feel back on top of things, but Saturday, a little extra scrutiny of yourself and your motives may be in order. Power color: green Affirmation: I have clarity.
Tuesday and Wednesday, you may feel like you’re drowning in domestic concerns. Wednesday, keep flexible and keep negotiating. Saturday, it feels like something’s overripe. Get ready to take an action. You may have some reviewing or auditing to do to get to the root of the issue. You may say something that shocks or surprises someone out of their complacency, especially later in the week. Your communication may get razor sharp, so be mindful. Power color: red Affirmation: I cut and I prune and by doing so, I ensure a greater harvest.
You’re open to discussing what ideas are worth your time. Not every idea passes muster early in the week. Thursday and Friday, big personalities pushback. Let go of a conflict that’s not worth your time or peace of mind anymore. There’s a push-pull, where you want to expand while the best thing for you may be to contract or release some of your responsibilities and activities. Strike a happy medium. If you’re thinking of picking up a new cause or project, start to phase out an older one. Power color: gray Affirmation: I give and receive.
There’s so much talking going on Sunday and Monday and not much of it is helping you prioritize. Some people just need to feel heard. Midweek, nesting will feel great. Don’t push yourself to go out if you don’t want to. Wednesday, you may have to read the fine print twice before making a decision. Consider the details, even the small ones. Saturday may feel overwhelming. Seek the truth first and foremost, the rest will handle itself. Power color: white Affirmation: Truth is power.
Disclaimer: This horoscope and all readings whether in person, phone, or recorded MP3 are for entertainment purposes only, no guarantee can be given or is given or should be assumed for or about the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. Your choices are yours to make. I am not qualified to give legal, financial, medical, psychological, psychiatric or any other specialist advice. If you require such advice you should seek a licensed professional. My services are not available to anyone under the age of 18 unless they are requested by a parent or guardian. By using my services you confirm that you are over 18 and that you understand and agree with these terms of this Disclaimer.
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
You start off your week with big dreams and you’ll feel super productive through Thursday to achieve them. Reminder: you are not invincible. Pace yourself. Don’t fritter away time or resources trying to best difficult people. Getting there is just as important as how you get there. A little flattery in your communications will make things easier but be sincere. Power color: yellow Affirmation: Everyone is can be a friend and every challenge an opportunity to grow.
Early in the week, you may be looking to the past to rediscover your “why”, Taurus. Conflicts with a strong personality, especially in how they communicate to you or “at you”, come center stage midweek. The weekend brings clarity about what you can truly bear to let go. Then, let go of more than you’re comfortable with. Surprise yourself and you’re halfway there. Power Color: vermillion Affirmation: Letting go is not giving up. Letting go is not letting down.
There’s some details you’re obsessive about and you haven’t gotten this excited about something in awhile. Bounce your ideas off a partner. You’ll find they have some practical, actionable advice to share. You’re usually all ears to hear a good story or two, but impulsive, over-sharing people may be inundating you with TMI midweek. Assert your boundaries. Power color: blue Affirmation: I am energized by the company I keep.
That secret project you have is so juicy, Cancer. You’ve been protective of it awhile and it’s almost ready to show the world. You may want to on Sunday. If you feel safe, do it. Midweek, the conflicts are personal and petty, but you don’t have to be personal or petty. Take the high road while a diva belts out their soap operatic swan song. The weekend brings your focus back to your favorite place, your home. How can you make it more luxurious and more cozy? Power color: lavender Affirmation: I embody grace and wisdom.
Listen to yourself Sunday and Monday, Leo. Are you really saying what you mean and meaning what you say? You may detect some cognitive and emotional dissonance if you listen carefully. You may be feeling assertive midweek. Be sure your assertiveness isn’t costing you friends or money. Some of the restrictions you’ve been dealing with personally and professionally aren’t comfortable. Practice flexibility. Power color: pink Affirmation: My friendships reflect my values.
Virgo, you know it’s time to close the gap between where you are now and where you feel you should be. You can be the person you dream to be, but you’re going to have magnetize the people and the resources to you. This may seem a little fanciful, but if you take practical steps, starting Monday, any goal is achievable using practical means. How can you create more win-win situations? Power color: red Affirmation: I create my best life.
You may feel unsettled midweek. Someone may be asserting their personal concerns in an aggressive way. Not everyone is a good partner, especially if they’re being selfish. Share the wealth and expect others to as well. Though tensions are still present in business, you’ll find that people won’t be so hung up on past disappointments and lost battles. Instead, they will want to move full speed ahead. Power color: green Affirmation: Sharing is caring.
Download that mystic vision on Sunday, Scorpio. That vision will be powering your expansion through early November. The weekend will have you wanting to shed some old tchotchkes. Think about what those knick-knacks represent in terms what makes you feel secure. It may be time to redefine what security means to you. You may chafe at braggarts, especially midweek. Hurt people often try to mask their pain through hubris. Power color: purple Affirmation: I expand what’s empowering me and contract what’s stifling me.
You may feel overwhelmed by emotion Sunday, Sagittarius. You may snap at others, but examine your reactions, especially if they’re automatic. How conscious are you? Midweek, you will feel it’s all about you—good or bad, good and bad. No one likes a braggart, so be magnanimous in your communications but not braggy. Power color: green Affirmation: I rule my heart.
On Sunday, you’re dreaming bigger and you’re able to ground that dream and it’s pertinent details into an actionable plan. Keep obfuscation to a minimum. Midweek, you’re off to the races and if you can navigate the tensions and disagreement, you’ll gain momentum. The weekend brings an increased need for stillness and security. Surprising insights might come up if you dare to slow down and stay still for a little bit. Power color: white Affirmation: I am worthy of a little down time.
You may feel dreamy and spaced out Sunday and Monday. Identify your distractions. Embrace your personal power midweek. It might be challenging to command others, but if it must be done, do it. You can command and collaborate at the same time. By the weekend, you might get frustrated with a person who doesn’t move as fast as you. Sometimes fast progress isn’t permanent progress. Taking your time may be just what you need. Power color: gray and black Affirmations: My efforts stand the test of time.
You do you, Pisces. You’ll finally have your “aha” moment Sunday, during the Piscean full moon. You have your own special light to share with the world and though you are flexible and affable, it doesn’t mean you have to be flexible and affable all the time. It gets easier to pursue some of your new goals after Monday. The key is giving those goals a structured timeline. Power color: white Affirmation: Healthy boundaries make the world a healthier place.
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AUG 19-AUG 25
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
It’s okay to feel like running away early in the week, but know what you’re actually trying to run away from. Your relationship issues and your money issues are multi-layered. It’s not just about one person being wrong and one person being right. You’re taking risks in communications right now, and they’re paying off, but don’t burn people. Inspire. Power color: green Affirmation: Everyone is the hero of their own story.
Taurus, Monday is a little scattered. Stick in there, especially Tuesday and Wednesday. You’re going to have a great deal of restructuring and revising to do. You’re building something better and stronger. Don’t resist the challenge, but part of the challenge is being more comfortable with the unknown and mysterious. You may butt heads with groups of people Thursday through the weekend. Don’t succumb to factionalism. Power color: white Affirmation: When I clean the slate, all is possible.
Gemini, that grass is looking greener on the other side. Look in the mirror, though. Are you wearing a pair of rose-tinted shades? It’s very easy to delude yourself into thinking that “here” isn’t good enough, that if you were only “somewhere else” you’d be appreciated more. By Thursday, you start to snap out of that thinking. You can have global reach, right now, from your living room. Power color: red Affirmation: I am here now. I appreciate the here and now.
People around you may feel restless, Cancer. So many agendas are competing right now. Take some time to nurture you on Thursday. It’s the small details that heal or hurt the most. Explore those. There’s a lot of pressure on you to revamp your career. Don’t rush the process. Don’t force decisions. You’re not comfortable being in some of the aggressive positions you’ve been forced into as of late. Remind yourself that defending what’s yours is sometimes necessary, even if it’s uncomfortable. Power color: yellow Affirmation: Transformation is a process.
You’re finally reaching your audience. Make the most of it through Thursday. You know where your True North is in an important decision at the beginning of the week. Getting on the right path though may present some unwelcome challenges the rest of the week. Groups of people may weaponize details late in the week. Keep it about “we”. Power Color: indigo Affirmation: I follow my heart and I use my head.
You may be getting burned by someone’s inability to stay on course, Virgo. Set some rules down Monday and Tuesday. You’re the one leading by Thursday. Keep illusions and delusions at bay—for yourself and others. Stick to the facts and keep the debate contained. Someone’s all-or-nothing thinking really irks you. Postpone big decisions, especially ones that involve big commitments of time. Your detractors will be more pliable in the coming weeks. Power color: black Affirmation: Flexibility and structure work hand-in-hand.
You’ll be seeing so many new possibilities on Monday. Come midweek, it’s time to narrow them down. None of them are precious. Be pragmatic. The “ghost of Christmas past” may seem like it’s intruding on your love life. Old wounds are easy to re-open right now. Keep yourself and, if you have a lover, present. Thursday through the end of the week, you’re musing about the future and some new anxieties might pop up. Power color: silver Affirmation: Discernment keeps my present enjoyable and my future bright.
As long as you can navigate disruptions, you’ll continue to be lucky, Scorpio. Fixate on outcomes, not the “how” of your challenges. The “how” will present itself as you journey along. Your keen intuition may be off this week. Don’t rely too heavily on it. Thursday, you may be tempted get into a battle of wills. The details become important. Listen to others. They generally wish you goodwill, even if what they have to say may not be to your liking. Everyone loses in the blame game. Power color: blue Affirmation: I nurture the possibilities.
On Monday, when you feel it’s time to make your move, move. You may be second-guessing yourself on Tuesday and Wednesday. Silence your inner critic. Thoughts of the future, time-travel, technological advancement and the like really tickle your imagination late in the week. Some of the details may scare you though. Do you have unacknowledged fears? Power color: orange Affirmation: Growing pains mean I am growing.
Tuesday and Wednesday, you’ll be giving the marching orders everyone’s been needing. You may feel like you’re giving everyone a giant history lesson or constantly saying “I told you so,” but without having an understanding of the past, we can’t shape the future. Thursday, you begin to minimize situations and people that have gotten out-of-control. Be flexible. You have to be fair, but not necessarily neutral, in love and property conflicts. Power color: gray Affirmation: I expand what benefits me and contract what harms me at will.
You may feel depleted by someone close to you with a bad case of wanderlust. You love exploring, but you hate wandering. You may be sensitive about your time being wasted on Tuesday and Wednesday. Come Thursday, new details emerge that are game-changing. You’ll be magnetizing new opportunities through Saturday. Consider your own star power. Add a little pizazz to your communications. Get a breath of fresh air to make the most of this energy. Power color: gold Affirmation: To stay on course, I create healthy boundaries.
Someone may have your blood-boiling on Monday. Their scattered energy is getting to you. It’s okay to distance yourself. Create some new rules for problematic relationships. It’s a way of loving yourself more. Thursday, you’re all for helping society grow and advance, but the details of some propositions coming your way don’t make sense. Make sure people with blustery communication styles aren’t ultimately self-serving more than serving the common good. Do your homework. It’s easy to be deceived right now. Power color: purple Affirmation: I fact check while trusting my intuition.
AUG 12-AUG 18
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
Part of you is screaming, “It’s not fair.” It may not be fair. Domestic issues cause big squabbles especially Tuesday and Wednesday. Try to focus on what “is” rather than what appears to be lacking. By Saturday, you’ll find an arrangement that works best. Power color: pink Affirmation: We’re better together even when we are not at our best.
You’re getting pushed in a new direction that’s more liberal than you usually like to lean. It’s time to practice counterpoint and counterbalance. The simplest, most direct way won’t get you what you’re after right now. Take some time to discern where to expand and where to contract, especially late in the week. Luck will find you if you tolerate some complications. Power color: gray Affirmation: I move with ease in challenging circumstances.
You find the details beguiling and charming on Monday. Midweek, you’ll be able to say what you mean to your love and feel vulnerable yet strong. There’s a fairness issue that’s been simmering between you. The good news is you can communicate about it openly. You’ll be ready to act on your insights by the weekend. A journey is in the stars for you, even if it’s just down the street. Power color: yellow Affirmation: My heart and my ears are open.
Midweek, your detractors may cry foul, that something is unfair or that you had an unfair advantage. You’re not everyone’s mother. You don’t have to soothe everyone. Late in the week, a circumstance that you thought you had under control comes front and center. Don’t overreact. There’s a secret benefit to all that’s brewing, even if it’s not readily apparent. Power color: peach Affirmation: I must meet my needs before I extend myself to others.
You’re getting closer to achieving a big goal, Leo, but don’t rush. Now is not the time to be overtly aggressive. A certain detachment will get you further in the long run. Saboteurs reveal themselves on Thursday and Friday. The question is what do about them. A weekend retreat or meditation class on Saturday does you a world of good. Power color: lavender Affirmation: I win some and I lose some but I always win in the end.
Monday and Tuesday, you’ll be feeling like the world is your oyster. Other folks will acknowledge you might have that oyster too. Be careful about maintaining your boundaries into the weekend. Someone wants to test what you’re made of. Don’t fight fire with fire. Use a new tactic. Smokescreens work well. Power color: navy Affirmation: I know my strengths and I use them.
It’s time to say yes, Libra. If it feels good this week, especially Tuesday and Wednesday, it is good. Your intuition is dialed in and your luck is very good right now. Use some of that extra oomph and charm and do something good for yourself. There’s still obstacles and personality issues hovering around, but use your fresh perspective to win. Power color: white and pink Affirmation: I magnetize what I want, need and deserve.
There’s an old pattern of behavior attached to your security that needs to die, Scorpio. It’s a habit that has outlasted its usefulness. Create some new patterns by brainstorming a bit. Thursday and Friday, fresh ideas and perspective mean big rewards can be yours. Don’t fight old battles, especially against groups of people. It’s time to be a little detached and let the drama distract someone else. Power color: black Affirmation: I move with ease and grace toward what’s truthful for me.
The details don’t add up early in the week, Sagittarius. You’re looking at the problem through a cracked lens. Your ego wants the story to go one way, but you can’t time travel to the past and make what you feel happened cohere with what actually happened. Careful about clamoring for justice midweek. There might not be sympathetic ears for your cause. Saturday, you know what you want. Don’t scatter your energies. Power color: red Affirmation: I am clear and I see clearly.
Fussing over the details early in the week paves the way for structural changes midweek, especially in matters of partnerships. You enjoy being self sufficient, self-contained and self-reliant, but ignoring the weak spots of a partnership could be problematic going forward. At the end of the week, don’t let a secret or a move to control you catch your blindsided. Keep calm and fixed on your goals. It’s okay to be angry, but don’t make a rash move in response to an unpleasant surprise or revelation. Power color: purple Affirmation: I deal with my challenges and I make the best deal possible.
Someone’s making it all about them and it’s starting to get under your skin. By week’s end, you’re fed up with the proliferation of secrets, especially secrets intended to control what you think and what you say. Don’t make this personal. It’s not a man vs man, conflict. It’s a man vs society conflict. Don’t scapegoat, lest someone “gets your goat”. Power color: brown Affirmation: I stand up against injustice.
Monday and Tuesday, you’ll feel like a fish-out-of-water. Dealing with the minutia kills your vibe, but it’s necessary. Try to see the inter-connectedness of it all. At the end of the week, a mystery will present itself for you to ponder. Have a life vest, albeit a psychic life vest. Don’t take everything at face value. Dive deeper. By Saturday, a pilgrimage may be in order to celebrate your new understanding. Power color: teal Affirmation: As above, so below.
AUG 5-AUG 11
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
Midweek domestic and family concerns may take center stage. Tensions between career advancements and family needs are at the front of your mind. Seek the middle way. Be careful how your present your concerns. Consider others’ POV. This weekend, you’ll have the opportunity to shed some disloyal people from your life.Power color: blue Affirmation: Love and trust power all that I do.
Expect some drama going into the weekend. Friday’s balsamic moon in Leo and Saturday’s new moon in Leo mean that you’ll be letting go of something to embrace a fresh start. How can you get greater sovereignty over your own life? You may not like the clandestine nature or some of the opportunities coming your way. You prefer things simple, but don’t discount things that are deep and complicated right now. Power color: pinkand burgundy Affirmation: I embrace the mysteries of life.
Early in the week, you’ll be feeling ready to get out the dross, so do it. Keep your communications impersonal or you’re likely to damage egos. If you’ve found yourself in a battle of sorts, remember that he who makes the rules usually wins the game. Start changing the rules or at least getting a handle on the rules that exist. Power color: checkered black and white Affirmation: I win at the game of life.
Midweek, you’re cleaning up and clearing out. You’re prepping for a better, bolder you and you know it. Shush the inner voices telling you can’t or you shouldn’t. If they persist their nay-saying, do some journaling and get to the bottom of it. You’re nurturing something in secret that will pay off late in the fall. Keep going. Power color: purple Affirmation: It’s my time.
Out with the old and in with the new, Leo. Your whole week is building towards Friday and Saturday. Don’t get stubborn on Monday about clinging to something that’s outworn it’s usefulness. Your mind will be going a mile a minute Monday and Tuesday. Write the good ideas down. Power color: white and yellow Affirmation: Just as the sun rises and sets, there’s a time and place for everything.
You need the vision, Virgo. It’s not enough to cherry pick the details. You’re mind’s firing on Monday and Tuesday. Cut what needs to be cut, instead of proliferating. It takes courage to say “enough”. Midweek, the your attention turns to your home life. Don’t get overly emotional about the details of difficult situation. You can only go up. Power color: red and black Affirmation: I can open doors to what I want and shut the doors to what I don’t want.
Monday and Tuesday, you’ll have two sides of the coin. Study them both carefully. You may have to make an unpopular decision, which you may find personally difficult. Don’t focus on the people or the egos. People will try to manipulate you by taking advantage of your caring nature. Think systemically. How can your make the environment as a whole better around you? Power color: green Affirmation: I create the environment I want to be in.
Sunday feels like a drag. You want to move faster but you’d have an easier time herding cats. Midweek, you’ll have a sympathetic ear, at least when it comes to domestic concerns. Don’t take unnecessary risks just to prove a point. Make friends of your enemies. You’ll get farther. Power color: baby blue Affirmation: I have no enemies, just people who make me better, stronger and more able to meet my challenges.
Monday and Tuesday, you’ll traveling against the wind. However, that’s the way most aircraft take off, so get ready to fly. By Friday, you’ll be getting some much deserved praise. Remember the “humble” in your humble brag. Power color: pale pink Affirmation: I accept compliments and receive them gratefully.
You may feel stubborn Sunday. Stubbornness isn’t always a sign of strength. By Thursday, things get muddy and deeply personal, sort of a low point. Remember, you can only go up. Keep your thoughts on the big picture, the big plan you’ve been working on for years. A passing rumble can’t shake a firm foundation. Power color: white Affirmation: Passing incoveniences don’t shake my resolve.
You’ll be spitballing great ideas early in the week, but take some time midweek to get a pulse on how others are feeling, not just what they are thinking. Friday and Saturday you may have to make some tough personal calls, that might grate at someone else’s pride. Say goodbye to something that’s demanding too much of your time and energy and you’ll feel renewed and more on-purpose soon. Power color: purple Affirmation: Deep thoughts and deep feelings co-create deep changes.
Forward, march, Pisces. Learn the lessons of the past, but don’t dwell there. A flood of ideas at the beginning of the week may make it tough for you to prioritize. Get input from friends, but listen to your own voice too. A domestic concern may dominate your thoughts midweek. There’s an opportunity there if you look beneath the surface of that domestic matter. Power color: pink and yellow Affirmation: My heart has a voice and it speaks to me clearly.
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
You’re in the zone midweek and the right people are noticing. You have a unique take on problem that’s gotten out of hand. You want to push forward, but wait a few weeks to refine your plan and let some dust settle. There’s going to be a few shakeups around you and you’ll need the right team to move forward with you. Power color: lavender Affirmation: I am the prophet.
You’re about to let go of a big burden, Taurus, to make room for something better and truer. Expect a little gossip about this as you’re clocking out of work on Friday night. Don’t let past conflicts with big personalities steal your thunder. Resilience is key to your success right now. Friday is a powerful day for you. Make the most of it. Power color: black and gold Affirmation: As I unload what no longer serves me, I unleash my fullest potential.
If you had a dime for everyone who’s said, “me-me-me” this week, you’d be on the Forbes list. Take a break from toxic people who are siphoning off your energy and psychically dumping on you. You’ll find the details of a new love interest or potential biz partner charming this week. Be sure you look beyond the charm though. New opportunities may come with some unpleasant secrets attached. Power color: black and silver Affirmation: I shield my enthusiastic energy from toxic people.
You might be feeling acrophobic, at least career-wise. Take some solace at home early in the week and dream up a new color schema or plan your dream ream house. It’s okay to want the finer things, especially on a shopping jaunt this weekend, but you may have to let go of some older treasures to make room for the new. Before you do though, research those old treasures thoroughly. You may have a small fortune on your hands. Power color: peach Affirmation: I gather and I release in perfect harmony.
It’s a battle of wills ahead for you midweek. If you make things too personal in this contest of wills, you may lose. Don’t bring up the past. Keep the problems contained within the context of the present. It’s hard to read your opponents at times because they seem aloof. Pay attention to what people do rather than what they say. There’s a restructuring going on at a subtle level that you need to keep tabs on. A slow-moving coup is afoot. Be sure you’re not the target. Power color: gray and baby blue Affirmation: My eyes are open, my ears are open and my awareness is dialed-in.
People want to dream. Sell them their dream through Tuesday. Harsh reality becomes more apparent midweek. Selfish people cause blocks midweek. You’re a good listener (perhaps too good) and everyone seems to want your attention. Treat yourself to something nice this weekend. It’s time to celebrate. You’ll see the path to letting something onerous finally go away. Power color: green Affirmation: I allow myself to serve my own best interest today.
There’s a lot of bombast and drama to cut through this week. Someone has gotten a little out-of-balance and been making tyrannical demands. Don’t cave to brash people. You may be feeling forgotten in all the drama, or if you find yourself in the fray, you may be scapegoated. Stick to your principles as the week progresses. This is no time to be wishy-washy. A partner may be need to be told where you draw the line. Power color: red Affirmation: I assert my authority over how I spend my time, energy and resources.
Early in the week, things seem to be swimming right along. You understand the subtle and subconscious motives of people very acutely early this week. Find a way to capitalize on it. Strong personal conflicts muddy the water midweek. You’ll have to consider letting something or someone go or phasing out something you thought you’d never say goodbye to. Letting go is something you’re great at, even if it’s not fun. Power color: lavender Affirmation: I use my powerful inner compass to steer me in the right direction.
Your vision questing is starting to pay off big and midweek, you’re on fire! Take care, though, to communicate gently. Someone or something has really caught your eye. Be careful, though. Embellishment can be misdirection. You may be yearning for a crown of your own. Just be sure to ask yourself if you’re questing after the Crown Jewels or a plastic tiara. There’s a lot of illusion you may be prone to buy into right now. You’ll be craving more intellectual stimulation by the end of the week. Power color: pink Affirmation: I am true to myself and discipline myself to expect and demand the best of myself and others.
You know that dreams take work to become reality but dream a little early in the week. You’re not about to cave to big personalities with big egos this week. Your resolve to stand up to a bully earns you high praise. You know what fat to trim to keep things moving. Invest a little time investigating the details for maximum success. There may be some pesky details that could slow you down if you gloss over them. Power color: orange Affirmation: I am open to learning and receiving the information I need to excel.
Everyone’s looking for your input this week. Your brain is getting picked big time. Be generous with your time, but not-so-generous with all your bright ideas. There are a few people out there that want to take credit for your work. Be generous, but not stupid. You’re feeling stalled on an important project. Have patience and it will pass. Power color: red Affirmation: I am a thought leader.
Love is challenging Sunday through Tuesday. You’re not quite sure how you feel about a certain someone. Ask a Sagittarian friend to play devil’s advocate with you. You’re inclined to give people the benefit of the doubt, due to your good nature, but really make sure that you’re not being swept off your feet only to get swept up in a drama not of your own making. Power color: magenta Affirmation: I am grounded.
JULY 15-21
Read your sun, as well as your ascendant & moon sign if you know them.
Something or someone is out of balance, Aries and its impacting your career, Aries. Take the issue head on midweek. Use Monday’s Sagittarius moon to identify what the problem is. Once you clear the air, you’ll get some fresh creative energy just in time for the weekend. It’s time to look forward. Thoughts about the future, what it looks like, your role in it pay off big in six months. Power color: black and white. Affirmation: I am what I am seeking.
You’ll find yourself wanting to restructure or give structure to a project. That’s well worth your time midweek. You understand the fundamental changes that have to be made in order for your plans to succeed, so stick to it. Be sure to give credence to the smaller details though. They’ll impact your long term outlook if they’re not attended to now. You may have to review who’s in charge, at least on paper. Take some time this Friday and Saturday to envision where you want to go in the next six months. Power color: yellow Affirmation: I build on a firm foundation.
The Sagittarius Moon early in the week has you questioning how you really feel about a journey you’ve signed up for. The details of the expenditures might be agitating you a bit. Fantasy and reality may not be matching up right now. By week’s end, you’re onto doing what you do best, discussing ideas with brilliant people. Get spiritual and trans-personal with the eclipse vibes on Friday and Saturday. Ideas discussed then will have power over the next six months. Power color: lavender Affirmation: I totally enjoy the present.
Someone in authority grates at you midweek. Their inflexibility is not helping you grow something that’s really taking off, so you may have to continue to keep your plans hush-hush. A big personality’s communications may be charming now, but use caution in how you engage til late August. Polish the details of the endeavor in the meantime. Expand your idea of what home is or what home could be with the strong influence of the eclipse on Friday and Saturday. Power color: teal & peach Affirmation: I nurture my best ideas and my biggest passions.
It’s time to hit the target, Leo. Consider carefully what that target is on Monday. Now, tell your followers what it is. Dial back more aggressive communications after midweek. People will be receptive again late August. If anything, talk about nostalgic things. Things get heavy on Friday. Mars Retrograde in Aquarius and the lunar eclipse may leave you feeling hemmed in. Just know that some of the best dishes take time to bake and you’ll have the opportunity to turn of up the heat very soon. Compare notes with a Taurus friend. You’ll find a sympathetic ear. Power color: white Affirmation: I don’t have to be large to be in charge.
You’re the one charming and delighting people right now and it’s only going to get better. Dare to dream bigger, even if it scares you a bit. Timing becomes an issue midweek, especially in business affairs. Can you re-structure something to benefit you more? Get the ink on the paper before Wednesday or wait til late August. Something that seems like a dream-come-true may not be all that it appears to be. You’ll love the details of a deal coming your way, but do your homework. Power color: pink Affirmation: All is right and perfect.
Midweek, ask yourself what your definition of success is. Just because folks around you think it’s one thing, doesn’t mean that it’s your definition of success too. It’s time for to define success for yourself. How many “successful” people do you know that are secretly miserable? Success isn’t always about being on top. You’re vibing with someone with a strong personality, but before you do business with them, really vet them. If you don’t have all the facts, wait til late August to formalize a partnership. This weekend’s lunar eclipse has you thinking about the future. Stargazing opens up new thoughts. Power color: indigo Affirmation: I give myself the star treatment.
A lack of direction early in the week sets up challenges midweek. In an effort to expand, you’re getting pushed in a direction you’d rather not go. A personality conflict may engender legal conflicts, so hold off if you’re unsure about someone after Wednesday. You’ll get the opportunity to revisit a big decision in late August. The energy of money is neutral. Don’t pathologize or weaponize money this week. You’re tempted to spill the tea on Friday and Saturday. Don’t let your present discomfort determine your future. Keep mum. Look at the future honestly with an open mind Friday and reap rewards in sixth months. Power color: hunter green & gray Affirmation: The abundance of the universe flows towards me constantly.
You feel like you are on the right track on Monday. Don’t rush into new agreements after Wednesday and don’t make your communications all about you. Mercury retrograde in Leo will blow-back on “me” oriented communication for a time. Make it about “we”. Pesky money details will cause inconvenience. Use charm to overcome any problems caused by those details. Friday’s Aquarian lunar eclipse has you feeling altruistic and on a mission. What can you do to empower others? What journey can you lead others on? Power Color: peach and green Affirmation: I lead by example, not by decree.
You may feel that everyone’s mind is wandering on Monday. Midweek you have record productivity and overcome obstacles easily, some of them longstanding. Big personalities want big concessions and may feel entitled to what they want because of “who they are”. Get it done Monday or table it til late August. Rushing won’t serve you if the issue doesn’t have to be rushed. A lot of people want their concerns attended to NOW and you know some things, especially complicated, detailed things take time, so take the time if you need it. Friday’s Aquarian eclipse challenges you to look to the future instead of stabilizing the present and status quo. Embrace the challenge and pour over it at a wine tasting. Power color: burgundy Affirmation: The best things take time and my time is valuable.
It would be good for you to wander a bit on Monday. Wander to a new part of town or even a different department at work. Just shake things up Monday. Midweek, you may feel like unnecessary obstacles are being put on your path and your impersonal communication style is not resonating. You always want to move forward and you need to remind yourself that you’re seeing the future before everyone else is and you’re seeing the future more clearly than everyone else. Trust your vision. You download a big “vision” Friday and Saturday. Really explore your thoughts. It’s not the time to act, but this “vision” will pay off in about six months. Power color: violet Affirmation: I am blazing the trail to liberation.
If you’re feeling disillusioned with your love life, it’s time to fall in love with you—the real you, not who “you” you were told or commanded you were. Father issues are causing subconscious love life issues and sabotage. You don’t have to be a perfect partner, especially if your partner isn’t perfect either. Own them and heal them. Time heals all wounds, but you do have to take the time to heal those wounds. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you’ll be most aware these concerns. Power color: white Affirmation: The past reverberates into the present unless I change my vibes.